Стежок – стежок — Викисловарь


стежок — Викисловарь

Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]


Существительное, неодушевлённое, мужской род, 2-е склонение (тип склонения 3*b по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Корень: -стеж-; суффикс: -ок [Тихонов, 1996].


Семантические свойства[править]

Стежки, выполненные жёлтой ниткой
  1. портн. отдельная мельчайшая часть шва — расстояние между двумя проколами иглы ◆ Шить сама платье не взялась, а отыскала у казначейши крепостную портниху, уговорила ее работать у них на дому, посадила в свою комнату и следила за каждым её стежком. А. Ф. Писемский, «Тысяча душ», 1858 г. (цитата из Национального корпуса русского языка, см. Список литературы) ◆ Когда в нашей волшебной мастерской мы положили последний стежок на это платье, самая главная мастерица заплакала от умиления. Е. Л. Шварц, «Золушка», 1946 г. (цитата из Национального корпуса русского языка, см. Список литературы)
    ◆ В левой стороне этой куртки, под боковым карманом, старый шов был распорот и вновь зашит грубыми крупными стежка́ми. Р. А. Штильмарк, «Наследник из Калькутты», 1950—1951 г. (цитата из Национального корпуса русского языка, см. Список литературы)
  2. однократное действие по значению гл. стегать ◆ Когда ученик был доводим до истомы нравственной и едва не до полупомешательства, тогда только учитель отсылал его к печке, где и давал десять ударов розгами, причем внушалось, что ученик каждый раз при незнании урока будет получать это ординарное количество стежков по тому месту, откуда ноги растут. Н. Г. Помяловский, «Очерки бурсы», 1862 г. (цитата из Национального корпуса русского языка, см. Список литературы)
  3. перен. короткое перемещение; шажок ◆ Стрелка манометра короткими стежка́ми передвигалась по цифрам. В. П. Катаев, «Время, вперед!», 1931—1932 г. (цитата из Национального корпуса русского языка, см. Список литературы)
  4. перен. длинный узкий след, оставляемый чем-либо ◆ Всё чернее с каждым днём стежки и дорожки, и на вербах серебром светятся серёжки.
  1. шаг

Родственные слова[править]

Список всех слов с корнем «стеж-/стег-/стёг-/стёж-/стяж-»
  • фамилии: Стегунов
  • существительные: выстёгивание, выстежка, дозастёгивание, достёгивание, достёжка, застёгивание, застёгиванье, застёжка, застёжечка, исстёгивание, настёгивание, обстёгивание, отстёгивание, отстёгиванье, отстёжка, перестёгивание, перестёгиванье, перестёжка, подстёгивание, подстёгиванье, подстёжка, постёгивание, постёгиванье, пристёгивание, пристёгиванье, пристёжка, пристяжь, простёгивание, простёгиванье, простёжка, расстегай, расстегайчик, расстёгивание, расстёгиванье, состёгивание, состёгиванье, стега, стегальщик, стегальщица, стегание, стёганка, стеганье, стёжка, стежок, стезя
  • прилагательные: беззастёжный, застёжковый, неотстежной, неотстёгивающийся, отстежной, подстежной, пристежной, пристяжной, расстежной, стегальный, стёганый
  • глаголы: выстегать, выстёгивать, выстёгиваться, выстегнуть, выстегнуться, дозастёгивать, дозастёгиваться, дозастегнуть, дозастегнуться, доотстёгивать, доотстёгиваться, доотстегнуть, доотстегнуться, достегать, достегаться, достёгивать, достёгиваться, застегать, застёгивать, застёгиваться, застегнуть, застегнуться, исстегать, исстёгивать, исстёгиваться, настегать, настегаться, настёгивать, настёгиваться, недозастёгивать, недозастегнуть, недозастегнуться, недостёгивать, недостёгиваться, недостегнуть, недостегнуться, обстегать, обстёгивать, отстегать, отстёгивать, отстёгиваться, отстегнуть, отстегнуться, перестегать, перестёгивать, перестёгиваться, перестегнуть, перестегнуться, повыстегать, подстегать, подстёгиваться, подстегнуть, подстегнуться, позастёгивать, позастёгиваться, постегать, постёгивать, пристегать, пристёгивать, пристёгиваться, пристегнуть, пристегнуться, простегать, простегаться, простёгивать, простёгиваться, простегнуть, расстёгивать, расстёгиваться, расстегнуть, расстегнуться, состегать, состёгивать, состёгиваться, состегнуть, стегать, стегаться, стегануть, стёгивать, стегнуть
  • наречия: напростежь, настежь, простежью


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Стежок — NPC — World of Warcraft


Комментарий от DarkCrisis

Good luck getting to him in time after turning in the item. More than likely someone else will kill him before you can.

Комментарий от alexdaman65

I’m level 42. Is he a quest and how do you trigger him?

Комментарий от viktigt

He has pretty good drops for 20 — 30.

1 hour ago he tried to kill Ysondre… hahahahahaha.

He works for Arthas Menethil the ruler of the scourge.

he is a slave to the Lich King.

we had problem killing the beast… he owned us for a while. i am looking forward to kill that beast again.

Комментарий от Thottbot

Stitches is triggered somewhere in Abercrombie’s note to the mayor series.

Комментарий от Thottbot

I was ambushed by this huge mother and I have to say I think the level is misleading. I was wearing the Shining Silver Breastplate and had my shield on (Resplendent Guardian) and this thing took me down with about 4 hits.. This can’t be right. Took me a bit by surprise though I must say.

Комментарий от Thottbot

some of the BS coming from some of you «hero’s» mouth is staggering to say the least. yesterday night i was helping defending darkshire from a mini horde raid. when that died down i decided to ride on my mount to STV, on the road exactly where it forks to STV i saw stitches.

Now im a level 54 Mage specced ( at the time with 18 Arcane and 27 fire). I had heard rumours of this guy being a toughie for a 35 elite but i thought «hell im lvl 54 it’ll be easy, lets see what he drops»

I back up get max distance on my fireball and start nuking. i checked his health after my first fireball….»damn» i thought, i hit him for like 600 but he only lost like 5-6% of his HP. I carried on nuking with fireballs, fire blast, arcane missiles and got him down to about 35%. but i was alrdy nearly dead so i a drank a major healing potion, slapped on a mana shield and started evocation.

i blinked away and then threw a rank 1 frostbolt into him to slow him down and ran even further back and started to nuke again. but he got close and was hitting me for 200-300 a pop. i was checking our health and i thought he woul d outlast me but my final fireball managed to crit for 900 and i just made it out alive with <100 HP remaining.

When he died the andrenaline pumping thru my body was crazy! I looted him but the &%!$� only gave his femur and some silk cloth lol.

was an epic battle!

Комментарий от Thottbot

And yes, from my rather vast experience finding this guy, Stitches spawns during the translation of the letter.  When I ran the quest with my second character, I did each step of the quest (from abercrombie’s note onward) on 15 minute intervals, with a run back up the road to see if he spawned.  He spawned right after the translation.

When I’m looking to try and drag him to Stormwind, I find people who are on the quest (by watching who visits Abercrombie’s shack) and then ask them to whisper me right before they translate the letter.

They whisper me, Poof, Stitches pops out, I catch aggro using a frostbolt, and the race is on.

Having said that, there were several times that he didn’t spawn at all, even though someone ran through that point of the quest.  Both times were when the person I was whispering was in a group.  The crate started smoking, but then stopped, and no Stitches.  So there might be some kind of glitch that happens when multiple people run through that series of 3 quests (talking to mayor/translator/etc) in quick succession.

One unusual thing I should mention for anyone trying to get stitches solo is that I have a very high chance to get disconnected right as the crate opens.  I’m not sure if its a bug or something, or related to me standing on top of Abercrombie’s shack where Stitches can’t target me, or what,  But for any Stitches-hunters out there, your best bet is to stand somewhere between the shack and the road, and catch him on his way by.  (If you let him get to the road, he’ll probably get smacked by some L60, or a mob of treasure-seekers (who don’t realize that he never drops anything worthwhile), so best keep him in the woods)

As a sidenote, not only should any crafty L33 mage be able to solo Stitches, but probably also any L33 druid.  I’ve found roots-spam to be just about the same as frostbolt-spam, though less damage.  The important part is regening mana faster than you use it.  (I’ve soloed other elites this way with my druid.  I’d try it on Stitches, but my druid is on the horde side of a PvP server, so I don’t think I’d have much luck)

I also love the whiny lamers who use the logic «I tried to tank/nuke him and died, so therefore nobody can kill him solo».  Get a clue.  Try a creative strategy some time.

Комментарий от Thottbot

I just lvl’d to 22 (Mage), and picked up the 2nd part of Abercrombie’s shopping list when I ran into Stiches at the intersection of Darkshire/Westfall/Stranglethorn.  Had no idea what the hell it was, and that spelled my doom.  Thing is crazy big the first time you see it.  Slapped me twice, even caught me after a blink and I was dead.  Looking forward to trying to Frostbolt combo him now

Комментарий от Thottbot

i’ve killed him a few times on my own (lv 32 ne hunter) i like playing wiv him like taking him low lv areas and shocking low lvs ^^ heres 1 movie of me killing him.


Комментарий от Thottbot

Kiting him does seem to be a definite good stragtegy. My first solo on him came when I am a level 40 druid. (did that on purpose since I would have dire bear with 3.6k armour.)

Stitches is hitting 100-130 on me per hit. After about 5 minutes of fight, which involves moonfire, dire bear and nature’s swiftness, he went down while I am at 70% health with about 50% mana.

He is definitely a lot harder than other elites at that level. I fought Morladim (also level 35 elite) about 5 minutes later, he went down before I even need a heal.

BTW I am a resto druid, so feral druid may do better.

Комментарий от Thottbot

Stiches went all the way to darkshire, where I kited him around with SW:P while the guards killed him.  In the end I came out with a Zealot Blade that I sold for 25g, I was happy 😀

Комментарий от Thottbot

I (almost) soloed it as a lv45 feral druid on my previous server.
I just stayed in bear form and healed when necessary.
It took a bit of time (he has lots of HP, and bear form dps isn’t exactly stellar) but he went down.

I said «almost» because a priest passing by helped me by doting him near the end of the battle, but I still had a good amount of HP and plenty of mana at that point, so I would have made it nonetheless.

Комментарий от Thottbot

At level 42 I soloed this guy easily… I just spammed entangling roots and kept moving away… I used innervate when I could to keep my mana up; used a couple of pots… but was also firing off moonfires here and there.

When he was at about 15 per cent health a level 25 or so hunter decided to help (was very cool, as I am horde, and it was a nelf), but while it was welcome it was not essential by a long way.

Stiches was just hanging around by the alchemist, or whatver he is called, at the ne of the gy, not that far from the water. I kept praying no allaince would show up — so was delighted that when one did, they lent a hand rather than attacking me.

Комментарий от Thottbot

solo’d him at lvl 28, with my lvl 27 ghostpaw alpha wolf, took about 18 minutes, counted 9 hunters marks, what you do is serpent sting, run till your at 30-32 yards, use dazed shot the moment its cd is up turn shoot twice, serpent sting, run till your at 30-32 yards wait for dazed shot cd and rinse n repeate, add in the occassional multi shot for more damage and distracting shot for when your serpet sting and dazed shots miss, no pots needed me or my pet didn’t get hit once
Keep your pet attacking for more dps, but keep growl off and your good to go.

Clyro from Dentarg EU server

got myself 536 xp not worth it but it was fun, ^_^

Комментарий от Thottbot

I first ran into this guy when I was talking to the hermit in Raven Hill.  I was level 27 at the time and I got hit in the back twice.  Next thing I know, I’m dead with this hulk standing over me.

Комментарий от Thottbot

Stitches is so strong because he was meant to get all the way to darkshire, he kinda is a raid for lvl 35s like someone else said, the idea was originally for him to get to darkshire and fight until he drops.

Комментарий от Thottbot

Harano — lvl 35 Feral druid — Coilfang
Just killed him and it was very hard.
I was on the road to STV when I saw him. Tried to DPS him in cat form and got killed in 4 hits. Had to switch to casting gear. got killed a couple more times. had to using entangling roots about 1,000 times to keep him from moving and starfire to deal damage. he got close enough to darkshire so that one of the watchers started to attack him. that was the best thing ever. I just healed the NPC and entangled whenever it started coming for me. I was oom like 3/4 the time and used 3 mana pots and a healing pot (yes, thats how long it took). Finally took him down, and the loot sucked. thx blizzard

Комментарий от Thottbot

solo’d him as a lvl 31 hunter. well kited him around duskwood for a while then into darkshire where the guards took his last hp. dropped Stitches themur and 2s, pretty !@#$ for all that work

Комментарий от Allakhazam

We did him tonight, just me (35 hunter) and a 34 druid. The druid chain rooted & dotted and I stung him, concussed & just pecked away. Pet was dead already so all we did was back up slowly and wear him down until we had him almost dead, then unloaded on him to finish it. It worked like a charm. 🙂

And he was a level 35 to boot…

Edited, Thu Feb 10 07:09:38 2005

Комментарий от Allakhazam

He spawns when somebody finishes the «Letter to Ello» quest. If you do that quest, you’ll understand, it makes it painfully obvious. Not gonna spoil anything though.

Комментарий от Allakhazam

I admit, stitches is one Tough SOB, but i dont think he is unbeatable for lowbies. When i got owned by him around level 33 I vowed to come back and get revenge. Anyway, one day i was bored in STV and i remembered my vow (by this time i was level 42) so i came up to duskwood to go give this fatass a piece of his own medicine. the fight took about 10 minutes, but i eventually killed him without any major problems. Funny thing is, the first time i killed him my groupie took the femur by mistake (he was just a lowbie i was helping out to pass the time, he didn’t help with the fight) so i had to wait for him to come back so i could kill him again!

-Takian (level 60 druid on medivh)

Комментарий от Allakhazam

I’ve seen him disapear while doing the last part of the chain leading to BOTE, he appeared while I was just waiting for wandering plague to wear off before attempting to get eliza solo, I asked for help taking him out on general (not knowing what a tough s.o.a.b he is) and only one person responded, saying that he was too tough to be taken down by a couple of level 30’s. He then disapeared a couple of mins later which was weird… I watched it happen right in front of me (well not too close obviously lol).

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Nothing special drops of this guy aside from your standard world drops. If you want to take him down you will need a good tank and a really good healer as he doesn’t die really quickly. Fun fight for anyone lv 35ish.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2007 5:28pm by Jargons

Комментарий от Allakhazam

My guess is that people trained him to those places for a laugh. I wish I could’ve seen him arriving in Goldshire, that would’ve been hilarious.

It’s quite possible to train a mob over long distances, so long as you can keep doing enough damage to it to prevent it losing interest, without actually killing it. If you don’t believe me, check out this video.

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Stitches is actually not an Elite mob, he has the HP of a lvl 50 or so reg mob, but trying to fight him is a task in itself, my reccomendations for the lower lvl players, either run or get all of your friends to take him out, easy enough for me to say being a lvl 60 priest. Also, there is no quest to kill Stitches, just to spawn him — Bride of the Embalmer is supposed to but ive done it myself and had a few guildies do it and it didnt spawn him right away. so…

Комментарий от Allakhazam

god you guys must suck ass my 47 mage is over here takin 49 leets =P

Senth (currently 49) undead mage
Lightbringer *The Army of Eternity*

Комментарий от Allakhazam

when i was 35 i killed this guy wiht a 18 druid only healing my pet he didnt even attack him and there no problem at all. but this guy is insane has over 10,000 health 150-200 dammage and like 3000 armor.but i was beast master speced and had a feral druid healing me. i killed stitches 3 times with a 18 druid 25 pali and 28 preist i have stitches femur you are all weak and cant do anything to him cause you choose pvp specs. you can kill me but you cant kill a fatty

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Combatant claymore killed him helping guildies with my 65 mages and it droped

Комментарий от Allakhazam

He was wandering down the road and I figured I could take him. Ten minutes and about a million heals I was beginning to think I was wrong — fortunately about seven other people came to my rescue and made me glad to be a pally.

My drop? Silk cloth and a useless femur — bah!

Комментарий от Allakhazam

My 1st ever trip to Darkshire will allways be memerable to me.

I swam over from Westfall and started walking down the road towards Darkshire, all of a suden 3 mid 40 elves ran past me with hardley no health i thought WTF next thing i know there running directley towards me is Stitches and 2 Black widdow hatchlings which were on the tail of the elves. So i ran and quickley got caught by stitches and he pounded me into the ground as my adrenaline was pumping from the chase. One of those classic WOW moments : )

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Ok now i remember when i was 36 thinking that since i was a level higher that he was just a blob of fat and chains and that i could take him easy. After being hit for 974 i changed my mind. I am now 44 almost 45 hunter and an 250engineer and I think i can solo him, i got a good pet, lots of health potions and some tricks up my sleeve like the gnomish death ray and the gnomish shrink ray. So first ill send my pet scorpion Fred after him, then Il shrink him, and shoot a death ray at him,then try to show him a as* beating the likes of which he has never seen before tonight. ill be sure to post my results asap

also someone mentioned in here that he pops when you finish the «LETTER TO ELLO» quest. One problem, ther eis no letter to ello the name of the quest IS THIS

Quest: Bride of the Embalmer (Elite)

also sorry for the 2nd posting as usual the post got jammed the first time

Edited, Mon May 30 20:49:36 2005

Комментарий от Allakhazam

2 easy at 42 — pwned on stormreaver at 12 noon


Комментарий от Allakhazam

killed him with a 29 rogue a 33 warrior and two druids (32)

Комментарий от Allakhazam

level 35 my ass.

the hermit guy made that monster from zombie juice and ghoul ribs o.o

Edited, Wed Sep 7 10:16:56 2005

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Not too bad. He’s more of an endurance match if you know how to kite him. Two hunters (one being myself), both beast specced, and a frost mage took him down in about 5 minutes or so. 32 (other hunter), 28 (myself), and 30 (mage). Basically the other huter kited him around, spinning to do pot shots and what not mid jump, I kept as much poison and concuss on him as possible (using a scorpid pet, and yes, I’m Alliance 😛 that story is for another day), and the mage kept him on ice. A little bit of a let down though, he only dropped his femur, nothing else. Oh well, we’ll go at him again some other day for the hell of it 😛

Комментарий от Allakhazam

So I first encountered this guy while walking through Darkshire. I’m not gonna lie, he has a TON of HP, but it wasn’t much for the 65 elite NPC’s and the 30 NPC’s to down him. Then, on my way up to Sven’s Camp, I spotted him again. Along with a 47 rogue, 30 priest, and some level 30+ tank, we took him down in about a minute. This guy is not as tough as Mor’Ladim. Whom I hate ALOT. By the way, I’m a 25 dwarf hunter ftw!

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Sorry about that last post, screw up.

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Ha ha…my first encounter with this guy today. I watched a few mid 30’s try to tangle with him. They died and he went after me.

Thankfully I had vanish. Gotta love bein’ a Rogue. A half dozen corpses of people of a higher level than me with this lone little night elf surviving the slaughter.

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Ok I see the maps say that he has been seen in other places besides Duskwood — how is that possable?Ok I see the maps say that he has been seen in other places besides Duskwood — how is that possable?Ok I see the maps say that he has been seen in other places besides Duskwood -how is that possable?

Комментарий от Allakhazam

Ok tonight i seen stitches and me and my pet scorpion are both 50 now took him out like yesterday’s trash, used my gnomish death ray and did 1988 damage in one hit so that helped a lil but ya just an update


СТЕЖОК — это… Что такое СТЕЖОК?

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, стежка, муж. (порт.). Отдельная мельчайшая часть шва расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Крупные стежки. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • стежок — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • расстояние (34) • шов (15) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Стежок — м. разг. 1. Расстояние между двумя проколами иглы при вышивании, шитье и т.п. 2. перен. Длинный узкий след, оставляемый чем либо. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • стежок — стежок, стежки, стежка, стежков, стежку, стежкам, стежок, стежки, стежком, стежками, стежке, стежках (Источник: «Полная акцентуированная парадигма по А. А. Зализняку») …   Формы слов

  • стежок — стеж ок, жк а (шов) …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • стежок — Элемент нитяного шва, расположенный между двумя проколами на корешковом сгибе (фальце) тетради. Различают внутренний и внешний стежки, находящиеся соответственно внутри тетради и на внешней стороне фальца …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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  • стежок — жка; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • стежок —     Отдельный прямолинейный участок нити от прокола до прокола. В лицевом шитье в прокол шелковыми нитями, положенными плотно между собой, или стежками в линию изображают обычно лики святых, руки, ноги, тело, архитектурные строения, горки и др.… …   Словарь иконописца

  • стежок — жка/; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Словарь многих выражений

  • dic.academic.ru

    Стежок — NPC — World of Warcraft

    Комментарий от Kanariya

    After six years of rofl-stomping afk lowbies along the road to Darkshire, he’s now just a level 23 elite with about 1/4th of his original hp, and only appears in a phased version of Darkshire. Duskwood has lost much of its epicness.

    Комментарий от Waezlur

    Aye, with the PvP guards ganking Stitches the moment he set foot in town, this is a better way of dealing with the encounter. The build up with the militia yelling over the zone and Stitches destroying the roadblocks on his way to Darkshire will be sorely missed though.

    Best thing would’ve been to stop PvP guards from attacking npcs though…

    Комментарий от Abigaile

    i remember the first time i met this guy, i heard guards yelling and wondered what was happening but didnt heed there warnings. Suddenly this huge gnarly sack of pain with a meathook for a third hand bowled out of nowhere and gave me a pasting ill never forget. I spent many a happy hour following this guy along the road countless times just for the epic fight at the end where anyone fit to hold something heavy or pointy would chip in, and get killed lol. Remember this one time i pulled aggro on him and tried to run away, he followed me into the pub, upstairs and pawned me as i tried to kite him around the bed lol. Fun times… in my opinion, he deserves just as much glory in wow lore as the mighty Hogger does. Still have Stitche’s Femur and Morgan ladimiers sword in meh bank…

    Комментарий от CaspianRoach

    This bad boy is getting a cameo in Blizzard DOTA, according to this video.

    Комментарий от sincro

    If you want to farm him, he spawns every 1m , just stay there and don’t finish quest.
    p.s. even it is not in drop list, i looted

    Комментарий от sincro

    If you want to farm him, he spawns every 40 secs , just stay there and don’t finish quest.
    p.s. even it is not in drop list, i looted Лезвие бритвы

    Комментарий от MABGamer6407

    Ah The Well known horror of Darkshire, To Me Known as «HIM» Back in the good ol days when he roamed around killing Lowbie Payers And bringing Fear And terror As It Walked, Until a High lv Of Course Came an 1 shots it. Good times. I wish they kept This Guy Still out in the open Was A Nice Low lv Raid at the Time it Seemed. The thing Was so powerful back then. Oh well he was still a Good Fight an with The Master on his shoulders makes it more the Epic. Maybe someday they will bring him back To the outside world as a Wandering Raid boss Now that would be amazing. They do say In the Next Expansion thare will be outside Raid boss’s again be nice to put him in the area the Dragon used to be at.

    Комментарий от alxn123

    I am making that quest, but i dont find that monster in Darkshire, its a bug or what?

    Комментарий от Admin4point0

    Cool little easter egg with this guy
    If you tame him as a death knight he has subtext under his name saying «gift from the embalmer»

    Комментарий от Ooyeah

    He has made a comeback in Heroes though! I love him haha.

    Комментарий от Loupland

    Muhaha Stiches!

    A long, long time ago, I was doing quests in Duskwood and I saw Stiches. So there was this hunter walking around and I said, lets bring that Elite down and he was like: Okay…

    Took 10 tries and 2 hours… But we got the sucker dead in the end. Good WoW moments… Good Wow moments…

    Комментарий от Aibolit666

    My best hero in Heroes of the Storm.

    And, by the way, this is the best MOBA so far even considering its alpha state! I don’t play LoL, don’t play Dota, don’t play HoN, don’t play even Smite (though it was interesting). It’s too repetitive experience with same map over and over. But with Heroes of the Storm Blizzard finally got it right.

    And in this game there’s Stitches. Definetely one of the most powerful heroes at the moment. So if you miss him, it’s your chance to get the good memories back!

    Комментарий от Albtraum

    I’m not sure what happened recently, but now Stitches using Аберкромби as a glove for his hook arm.
    Probably poor fella tired of his ‘master’.


    СТЕЖОК — это… Что такое СТЕЖОК?

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, жка, муж. В шитье, вышивании: расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • стежок — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • расстояние (34) • шов (15) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Стежок — м. разг. 1. Расстояние между двумя проколами иглы при вышивании, шитье и т.п. 2. перен. Длинный узкий след, оставляемый чем либо. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • стежок — стежок, стежки, стежка, стежков, стежку, стежкам, стежок, стежки, стежком, стежками, стежке, стежках (Источник: «Полная акцентуированная парадигма по А. А. Зализняку») …   Формы слов

  • стежок — стеж ок, жк а (шов) …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • стежок — Элемент нитяного шва, расположенный между двумя проколами на корешковом сгибе (фальце) тетради. Различают внутренний и внешний стежки, находящиеся соответственно внутри тетради и на внешней стороне фальца …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • стежок — (2 м), Р. стежка/; мн. стежки/, Р. стежко/в …   Орфографический словарь русского языка

  • стежок — жка; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • стежок —     Отдельный прямолинейный участок нити от прокола до прокола. В лицевом шитье в прокол шелковыми нитями, положенными плотно между собой, или стежками в линию изображают обычно лики святых, руки, ноги, тело, архитектурные строения, горки и др.… …   Словарь иконописца

  • стежок — жка/; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Словарь многих выражений

  • dic.academic.ru

    стежок — это… Что такое стежок?

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, стежка, муж. (порт.). Отдельная мельчайшая часть шва расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Крупные стежки. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, жка, муж. В шитье, вышивании: расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • стежок — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • расстояние (34) • шов (15) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Стежок — м. разг. 1. Расстояние между двумя проколами иглы при вышивании, шитье и т.п. 2. перен. Длинный узкий след, оставляемый чем либо. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • стежок — стежок, стежки, стежка, стежков, стежку, стежкам, стежок, стежки, стежком, стежками, стежке, стежках (Источник: «Полная акцентуированная парадигма по А. А. Зализняку») …   Формы слов

  • стежок — Элемент нитяного шва, расположенный между двумя проколами на корешковом сгибе (фальце) тетради. Различают внутренний и внешний стежки, находящиеся соответственно внутри тетради и на внешней стороне фальца …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • стежок — (2 м), Р. стежка/; мн. стежки/, Р. стежко/в …   Орфографический словарь русского языка

  • стежок — жка; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • стежок —     Отдельный прямолинейный участок нити от прокола до прокола. В лицевом шитье в прокол шелковыми нитями, положенными плотно между собой, или стежками в линию изображают обычно лики святых, руки, ноги, тело, архитектурные строения, горки и др.… …   Словарь иконописца

  • стежок — жка/; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Словарь многих выражений

  • lopatin.academic.ru

    стежок — это… Что такое стежок?

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, стежка, муж. (порт.). Отдельная мельчайшая часть шва расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Крупные стежки. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

  • СТЕЖОК — СТЕЖОК, жка, муж. В шитье, вышивании: расстояние между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • стежок — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • расстояние (34) • шов (15) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Стежок — м. разг. 1. Расстояние между двумя проколами иглы при вышивании, шитье и т.п. 2. перен. Длинный узкий след, оставляемый чем либо. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 …   Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой

  • стежок — стежок, стежки, стежка, стежков, стежку, стежкам, стежок, стежки, стежком, стежками, стежке, стежках (Источник: «Полная акцентуированная парадигма по А. А. Зализняку») …   Формы слов

  • стежок — стеж ок, жк а (шов) …   Русский орфографический словарь

  • стежок — Элемент нитяного шва, расположенный между двумя проколами на корешковом сгибе (фальце) тетради. Различают внутренний и внешний стежки, находящиеся соответственно внутри тетради и на внешней стороне фальца …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • стежок — (2 м), Р. стежка/; мн. стежки/, Р. стежко/в …   Орфографический словарь русского языка

  • стежок — жка; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • стежок —     Отдельный прямолинейный участок нити от прокола до прокола. В лицевом шитье в прокол шелковыми нитями, положенными плотно между собой, или стежками в линию изображают обычно лики святых, руки, ноги, тело, архитектурные строения, горки и др.… …   Словарь иконописца

  • стежок — жка/; м. Часть шва между двумя проколами иглы. Мелкие стежки. Сделать несколько стежков иглой. Аккуратные стежки …   Словарь многих выражений

  • dic.academic.ru

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